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Jenn Messina, RD

Updated: Oct 16, 2019

With so many nutrition 'experts' out there it is hard to know who to trust and even what a dietitian can help you with! Registered Dietitians translate the science of nutrition into real foods and give you ideas for meals you can make and enjoy. We also understand that food is so much more than just macro and micronutrients. Food connects us to our culture, our heritage, our friends & family and brings us pleasure.

Here are my top 14 reasons to see a dietitian

1. You’re healthy & curious.

If you want to know if what you’re eating is right for your health and goals it could be helpful to discuss with a dietitian. Or if you want to make a change to a different style of eating such as vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free etc. it's a great idea to make sure you`re fueling your body with what it needs.

2. Your relationship with food needs help.

If you are tired of yo-you diets and are looking for help building (or rebuilding) a healthy relationship with food, navigating this crazy world of endless nutrition information it`s time to see a dietitian. Or if you have an eating disorder, a disordered relationship with food or would like to work on repairing your relationship with your body it`s time to see a dietitian.

3. You have digestive issues.

Digestive complaints can range from gas, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, stomachaches, and everything in between. Meeting with a dietitian can help guide you on diet or lifestyle changes that could help. Don’t just guess or go off google, ask a professional.

4. Abnormal bloodwork.

If you have abnormal blood work (whether self-tested or through a doctor) or if you have been told by your doctor you need to change your diet. This could include elevated cholesterol or blood sugars, low iron, kidney dysfunction, liver issues, the works.

5. You have diagnosed or suspected food allergies, intolerances or sensitivities.

Before cutting anything and everything from your diet it’s important to work with someone who can guide you through the process.

6. You have been diagnosed with a chronic disease.

This can include diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol issues, cancer, autoimmune disorders, IBD, IBS, high blood pressure, metabolic concerns, chronic kidney disease, liver problems, and everything in between. However, if you have a family history of any chronic disease, it would be a good idea to see a dietitian before you are diagnosed with such a disease.

7. You are either always hungry or never hungry.

Hunger is a very important indicator to help guide your health. You may wake up in the middle of the night hungry or maybe you don’t even know what hunger is supposed to feel like. Hunger should be normal and recognizable and easily fixed with food. If you are hungry all the time (or never hungry) let's figure this out together.

8. You are experiencing fatigue even when sleeping well.

Being tired when you go to bed is normal. Being tired around the clock and not being able to function or feel like you are going to fall asleep is not normal and should be investigated further.

9. You are concerned that one of your kids isn't getting what they need.
Is your little person a picky eater? Or have they decided to become a vegan. Or are your worried they aren't eating enough or eating too much. Meet with a dietitian to come up with a plan to help make sure everyone is meeting their needs to grow and thrive.

10. You are experiencing hormonal issues such as thyroid concerns, infertility issues, PCOS etc.

This can look different to different people but if you are feeling like your hormones could be off, it’s time to talk to someone and get back on track.

11. You are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or post partum.

See a dietitian to make sure you are nourishing your body and your baby with everything you need. Postpartum recovery is also super important for your health and wellness whether or not you are breastfeeding.

12. You want help with meal planning.

You need to jump start your daily eating with a plan. I offer customized meal plans that are tailored to you and are fully online and interactable to give you menus, recipes, grocery lists, and swaps. No more cooking multiple meals either, all family members are considered!

13. You want to improve athletic performance.

You want to gain insight into how to fuel your sports or activities and gain endurance and some competitive advantage through diet/lifestyle.

14. You want to manage your weight.

I almost didn’t but this one on here, hence why it’s last, but think it’s worth noting. Weight is not a marker of health, but it can be important to work with a professional if you think you need to or need help to gain, lose, or maintain your weight

Time to start living and enjoying food! No guilt or shame needed


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